Room 13's Blog

Room 13 is a Year 5 class at Muritai School in Eastbourne, Wellington.

Monday, July 26, 2010


In room 13 our Inquiry unit has been on Eastbourne and the History of Eastbourne. We visited some landmarks (The Rec, Rona Warf and Ballinger gardens) today and found out some facts, these are some of the facts Room13 found out:

·      In 1921 the borough council commissioned a new 1,500 passenger ferry from Scotland. It cost about 45,000 pounds/$100,000.
·      For residents and visitors, Rona-bay Warf has always been a great place for fishing, watching the sunset and even taking wedding photos!
·      Ballinger gardens were built in 1978.
·      The Rona bay Warf was a Treasure because it was used a lot.

By Harry and Elliott

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Our big idea for the year is ‘A taste of town planning.’ To start the term we will be focusing on the past, learning about what Eastbourne used to look like 100 years ago. In particular, we will be looking at what type of community facilities were available for people to use. We will be investigating why the resources have changed or ceased to exist over time. This will lead into looking at the future and thinking about what kind of facilities we would like to see in Eastbourne for community use. The students will be surveying different members of the community to gauge their opinion and present a proposal for a new development.

We will also be focusing on the Key Competency ‘Relating to Others’ throughout this inquiry unit.

We recording some of our questions on our wondering wall.

Character Writing

This term for writing we are focusing on writing quality character descriptions. We have been discussing what makes a great characterisation.

We discussed as a whole class what makes a good character in a book, movie or even comic strip.

Characters we came up with were Spiderman, Aslan, Homer Simpson, The Twits, Batman the list is endless.

We discussed good metaphors and similes and came up with some great ones!  Here are some pictures of Room 13 doing literacy work