Kia Ora and Welcome to Room 13's blog.
At present this is not Room 13 talking but this is their to-be teacher Miss Holly Edwards!
I thought I would put up a wee post before we start the term to say how EXCITED I am to meet all 24 of them/you on Wednesday morning!
I had a great holiday spending time with family and friends in the UK over Christmas and New Year and experienced more snow in 4 weeks than in my whole life!
I'm looking forward to hearing all the summer news from the new Room 13.
Just a quick reminder for Wednesday.
Please bring:
Sun hats
Drink bottle
Pencil case
Stationary (many of it is here already with the packs!)
Morning tea and lunch food
Lots of enthusiasm
Sporty comfortable clothes (I am hoping the weather will improve!)
Take a look at this link if you can before Wednesday we will be talking about this young person.
Take care and enjoy the last few days.
Miss Edwards